
Can you feel it? Some describe it as butterflies in the stomach, some call it an anticipation high, and some people even say it’s the embodiment of excitement. It’s that feeling that your body gets when the unseen potential of something is ripe in your mind. It’s the positive potential of what is to come. You’ve committed. You’ve made plans. And now, it’s just before time to begin.

It’s the rush just before the crest of the roller coaster.
It’s the moment you finished preparing the gallery for the show.
It’s picking up the backpack before the first step of the trail.
It’s many things.
It’s the first days as you prepare for classes to begin on your college campus.

Potential and adrenaline pump through your body. The decisions you make in the next moments and days will have an impact on your life. Statistics indicate that most people find a friend-group within the first two weeks of college. Perhaps you will. Or, perhaps you’ll still be searching for where you belong three or more weeks into the semester. Your path is yours. The choices to make are yours. Adulting 101: no one can make the choices that determine your life path for you. You have responsibility for your life. There’s a lot of potential.

Potential for greatness.
Potential for failure.
Potential for thriving.
Potential for hurting.
Not of the potential outcomes are your responsibility; but, your reaction and next steps always are.

The Gospel of John says that we have the potential to choose to follow Jesus. We have the potential to become children of God. John 1:12 says, “…to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God…” (NRSV).

In these moments while the potential to take many paths is before you, take a moment to prioritize. You have the power to become many things while you are in college. I hope one of them will be the daily choice to honor and follow Jesus, to become a child of God. You have the power to join many groups and do many things.

Will you find a campus ministry that will welcome you to belong as your true and whole self? Wesley is a community in which you’ll be free to ask hard questions, wrestle with serious doubts, and wonder about spirituality. You can explore your own spirituality here, and you will find a place where you belong.

Be you. Be here (at Wesley). Belong.

You’re invited to step into the potential of spiritual exploration while you are at college this year. You won’t be alone. We hope you’ll join us.


Christmas Music Celebration